Know Jesus

Everything starts here. The greatest news ever given and the driving force behind everything we do can be simply stated in two words: JESUS SAVES.

And He can save you.

Click the button to speak with someone about Jesus or scroll down to learn more.

What is the Gospel?

The Gospel - or good news - is that Jesus saves. He died to cover your sins, He rose from the grave, and now He resides in the hearts of His people until the day He returns to make all things new.

All you have to do is receive, in faith, the salvation that God offers. Fully trust in Jesus as the payment for your sins and believe that He is who He says He is - God, Savior, Friend, and King.

Read more about the Gospel here.

  • In the beginning, God created the world, and it was perfect (Genesis 1-2). Among all creation, there was one thing that He loved most: Mankind. God created people to be specially made in His own image. It was our purpose walk with Him, talk with Him, watch over the earth, and enjoy creation. But everything changed when the first people freely chose to disobey how God had commanded them to live (Genesis 3).

    This is sin - any rebellion against God and what He calls good (1 John 3:4). We became sin experts. It spread like a disease from the first people to all people, causing every person to have a natural desire to disobey God (Romans 3:23, Romans 5:12).

    Sin comes with a consequence. The wages of sin - the right reward for rebellion against the Creator of the Universe - is death. And not just any death; The consequence of sin is eternal separation from God (Matthew 25:41). The world was and still is utterly, completely, and entirely hopeless to save itself from this fate (Ephesians 2:1-3).

  • But God wanted to be with us. God wanted to be with you. So what did He do? What God always does - He made a way. As the story of the Old Testament unfolds, we find that God had enacted a plan from the moment humanity failed.

    He chose a man named Abraham to begin a family that would be His own people: the Israelites (Genesis 12, 15, 17). Throughout their history, God provided for, protected, disciplined, and guided this nation. Along the way, there came frequent prophecy of a Savior that would come from these people. These are a few of the prophecies they heard:

    There will be a king that rules forever in righteousness (2 Samuel 7). This King will be a Son of God (Psalm 2:7). He will be born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14). He will be called Mighty God, Wonderful Counselor, Eternal Father, and Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6-7). This Savior will be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2). The Israelites called this coming savior the Messiah. The Greeks and Romans would later call this savior the Christ.

    This savior arrived. And His name is Jesus.

  • Jesus is God in the flesh, who descended from heaven to walk in the dirt with you and me (Philippians 2:5-11). Jesus lived the sinless life we never could (2 Corinthians 5:21). Jesus willingly died the death you deserved through being whipped, tortured, mocked, and executed on a cross (Matthew 26-27, Mark 15, Luke 22-23, John 18-19). The blood Jesus spilled on the cross served as the just payment for every sin you ever have and ever will commit (1 John 1:7). He removes your guilty sentence. He puts you in right standing before God. He gives you a salvation that can never be taken way.

    The only thing God asks you to do is accept and believe that these things are true. “For God loved the world in this way: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)

  • But neither Jesus’ story nor yours ends with salvation at the cross. The salvation Jesus brings is so much better.

    Salvation in Jesus gives us hope. Jesus did not stay in the grave, he rose from it (Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, John 20). Jesus defeated death and promised eternal life to those who follow Him (John 3:16).

    Salvation in Jesus makes you new. After Jesus ascended back to heaven, He sent the Holy Spirit in His place to reside inside of His people (John 15:26, Acts 1-2, Galatians 2:20). The Holy Spirit actively reshapes our hearts to be like Jesus’ own (2 Corinthians 3:18). Jesus’ salvation fixes the Image of God that we broken in Genesis 3.

    Salvation in Jesus gives us a job. How could we keep this news to ourselves? We are called to share the same gospel that saved us with everyone else (Matthew 28:16-18).

How to Accept the Gospel

Romans 10:9-10

“If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. One believes with the heart, resulting in righteousness, and one confesses with the mouth, resulting in salvation.”

(1) Accept that Jesus is Lord.

This is simply the confession that Jesus is who He said He was. As with any step in accepting the Gospel, this must be said with true faith and belief. If you’re ready to accept Jesus as Lord, talk to God and tell Him something like this:

“Jesus, I believe that you are who you say you are. You are my God. You are my savior. You are my friend. You are my Lord. You are my king. You deserve to sit on the throne of my life.”

(2) Believe what Jesus did.

Alongside the recognition of who Jesus is comes a belief in what He did. Do you believe that Jesus came to earth, taught us how to live, died your death, and rose from the grave again? If you do, then pray something like this:

“Jesus, I believe the what the Bible teaches is true. I believe that you came to earth, died to cover my sins, rose from the grave, and will come back again one day. I believe that you will fill me with the Holy Spirit, who will change me to be more like you until we meet face-to-face.”

(3) Confess that You are a Sinner

Salvation requires a recognition of wrong - and our wrong is great. Confessing to God is no different than a child coming clean to their parent about breaking a vase in the other room. Confession is a sign of your humility and sorrow at rebelling against God. Trust and know that He will meet you with open arms if you pray something like this:

“Jesus, I confess that I am a sinner. You told me what was right through your Word and the convictions of my heart, but I still did what was wrong. You have said that your blood covers every sin, so please forgive me now. Save me from my sins so that I can live forever with you.”

Next Steps

If you just prayed to accept Christ, know that the Kingdom of Heaven is rejoicing. We are proud to call you a brother or sister in Christ. We know how confusing it can be as a new follower of Jesus to figure out what the next steps should be. Family Church wants to help you take those steps.

If you haven’t already, come join the family on Sunday morning. If you’re nervous, reach out to anyone on our church staff and we’d love to greet you at the door. We are so excited for you to join us. Praise the Lord for the decision you’ve made!

Below is a button that will take you to the next step in your journey with Christ - Baptism.